Friday, June 25, 2010

The latest from the Teotbat!

The going has been rough, and it appears that most of our herbs are more likely to falter than flourish. We gave up on the cilantro, and haven't seen anything yet from the rosemary, oregano, chives, or green onions.

That said, have a look at some of our successes:

A little basil sprout! Smells just like it should, if you get your nose down in the dirt. This one inspired some dancing and fist-pumping.


Beets! In the West, the roots are eaten. In the East, it's the leaves. Looks like I have some identity issues to resolve.

A tomato planted, painstakingly raised at home and transplanted by Harold. Went through a rough yellow-leaf period, but now appears to be doing quite well.

Okra, courtesy of Yoshi. Doing very well.

Zucchinis in the works.

Transplanted Chocolate Mint and Pineapple Mint, courtesy of WWOOFing hosts in Busan. Ditto for the Dill, Licorice, and Thyme that follow.

The forecast today calls for "pouring rain," but we've only had a little drizzle so far. For the good of all those listed above (particularly the transplants, which are having a tough time), and the newly planted spinach and carrots, let's hope for a good dousing.


  1. Mike, looks like a cool garden/project/activity you've got going there. Where is that plot in relation to where you're living? Is it like a community garden? Someone's private property? At the university? Good luck with it.

  2. It's about 10-15 minutes (depending on lights) from my apartment by the surface roads, or about 20-25 minutes along the dirt and gravel road that runs alongside the river.

    I found out about it through the local YMCA, but it's associated with some group I don't quite understand called "E-Space." I don't know a whole lot about them - they just gave me the plot and let me borrow whatever tools I want if I stop by between 9 and 5. I think they must also be responsible for some of the other art and flowers and stuff along the river. They told me that they have grant money from the government, and there are sometime 10 or 15 people there, who I think are salaried workers.

    My friends and I don't technically own the land we're using - we didn't even have to give our names or contact info or anything to start working there - but I think as long as we keep coming regularly they'll let us keep using it. There are several other plots similar to ours, but I rarely see anyone there. Most of them have little wooden signs saying who's taking care of them, and most of the signs mention Kindergartens, so I think it may be partially intended as a field-trip kind of place for kids? Again, I've yet to see anyone there though.

  3. What a great setup. One of the worst aspects of apartment living is not having easy access to a plot like this.

    Santa Monica has a community garden, but the waiting list is long enough that it "can take years" for one's application to go through. Lame.
