Daegu Noksaek Sari / 녹색살이대구 / Daegu Green Living is:
- a resource for Daegu-ites looking to live more eco-consciously;
- a project intended to support Daegu businesses dedicated to operating sustainably;
- a website we can use to share our knowledge of all things green and wonderful in Daegu;
- a way to publicize upcoming events, celebrations, meetings, etc;
- interested in ecology, environmentalism, animal welfare, sustainability, living local, minimizing carbon footprints, recycling, permaculture, and community;
- looking for ways to live responsibly, respectfully, equitably, and within limits;
- active on facebook;
- just getting started;
- confused about its own name (DNS? NSS? DGL?)
- grateful for your attention;
- pleased to meet you; and,
- awaiting your requests, your opinions, your advice, and your submissions!